At Vilicus Farms we do so much more than grow food. The CSSA program was developed to provide direct support for a system of life-giving land management practices that support all creatures. This is the service of stewardship.

Purchase Your Shares

Use the form to purchase your shares online. If you would rather send a check, please see our FAQ on how to do so.
(includes 3.5% processing fee)
Please check if this is a gift
Automatically renew my stewardship annually

Why become a Shareholder?

Our stewardship work is our priority regardless of crop production. $100 supports land stewardship practices for one year.

Agricultural practices take a toll on the health of our planet. At Vilicus our farming philosophy centers on creating an agricultural system that looks to Earth’s natural ecosystems as a guide for land stewardship. We prioritize building soil health and creating habitat for native species to increase the resilience of our land in the face of a changing climate.

Community Supported Stewardship Agriculture (CSSA) was inspired by the associative economic principles of the CSA model. The CSSA program offers a more transparent alternative to buying carbon credits or other ecosystem service payment models. Shareholders build a direct connection with the farm and support our land stewardship practices that are otherwise uncompensated. CSSA Shareholders allow us to continue prioritizing what matters most. And to stay in business over the long run though climate variability.

Learn more from Anna Jones-Crabtree